TOEFL Integrated WritingTOEFL Independent Writing
Online Resources for IELTS Test
20 TOEFL exam resources
Video Dictionary app
15 Android apps for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE
TOEFL essay writing - cz-training
TOEFL resources
Student needs analysis
Reading presentation
Integrated Writing Presentation
Integrated Writing clip
20 TOEFL exam resources
Video Dictionary app
15 Android apps for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE
TOEFL essay writing - cz-training
TOEFL resources
Student needs analysis
Reading presentation
Integrated Writing Presentation
Integrated Writing clip
Perfect Phrases for the TOEFL
Free ESL Listening
Independent Rubric:
Score | Rubric Notes |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Integrated Rubric:
Score | Rubric Notes |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
שיעורים פרטיים להכנה למבחן טופל
skype: burnshowardPART 1
Free ESL Listening
These are the best apps out there to study for your TOEFL Test.
TOEFL preparation- Overall – Magoosh TOEFL app
- Vocabulary section – Magoosh TOEFL Vocabulary and TOEFL IBT Preparation
- Speaking section – TOEFL Speaking Master
- Reading section – TOEFL iBT Reading
- Grammar section – TOEFL Grammar Test Pro
Hi Howard,
I just got my test score, it is a 111. I am happy with my score, and want to thank you, especially for your wonderful website with all the great links.
Thank you
Guy Nadler
I just wanted to let you know that I got a score of 108 on the toefl!
Reading- 26
Listening- 29
Thank you for all your help and support!!!
This morning I landed at the airport
I was at a conference in the U.S.
I got 91in the exam:
Reading: 23
Writing: 21
Speech: 23
I have to get to 93 overall score
And speech 24
Dear Howard,
Thanks a lot for your help.
Im happy...
Request additional score reports
Test Test Date Reading Listening Speaking Writing Total
TELXML December 3, 2010 21 26 23 21 91
hello Howard how are you it is arkadi from last toefl course in haifa i got my score it is 87 thank you very much you are a great teacher and the course was really fun best regards and good luck
Hi Howard!
thanks for everything, now I dont have to do this test ever again.
my score is 106
reading- 29
listening- 28
speaking- 27
writing- 22
הווארד תודה רבה על הטיפים והתרגולים הרבים שנתת היתי צריך 80 וקיבלתי 90 :)
hi Howard
I just wanted to thank you for all you have done.
I needed a score of 100 for nursing school
I got 112 !!!! I'm so happy !!
Thank you very much
Reading 28
Listening 30
Speaking 26
Writing 28
Gill Katzevman
Hello Howard,
TOEFL scores are as followed:
Total - 95 points
Reading & Listening - 22 points each
Speaking - 26 Points
Writing - 25 Points
Overall I felt really good on the exam. Once you understand the technique it works like chram.
Again, thank you so much for your assistance. I will contact you in the future for recommendation purposes.
Yehudah Katz
Hi Howard,
Thank you for the grate course. I got the mark I need: 108 (reading and listening = 30, speaking and writing= 24)
My speaking was terrible! I don't know how did I get 24....
On the other hand, I think my essays are very good... and I got only 24.
Indeed, the room in Ramat-Gan is very small, and one needs to be very concentrated to do the speaking part.
Thanks again,
Hey Howard
I want to thank you for the wonderful course and to inform you that I got 108 on the test. I am very pleased and hope it would help me to be accepted to a good university.
thank you for your help!
Hi Howard,
got my TOEFL score... I think I'm a little disappointed, needed 100 and got 98.. don't know if this 2 points really matter.
I got: 30 on the listening, 23 on the reading, 25 on the writing and 20 on the speaking
So. just wanted to thank you for you're course,, It really helped me a lot!
Haim Assor
Hi Howard,
I just got my TOEFL scores. I got 106. That's OK right?
Thanks for everything,
Dani- T11
הי הווארד,
הגיעו היום התוצאות של המבחן
קיבלתי 93
תודה רבה על כל העזרה התמיכה וההכנה!
זה עזר לי ולמד אותי המון
Hey Howard,
I wanted to let you know that I got 107 in the TOEFL exam.
Thank you very much for all the help and assistance in the preparations for the exam, and especially with the speaking section.
Hey there Howard,
I'd like to thank you for this amazing site you put together; it really helped me to prepare for the test! I got a 112 score and i'm so thrilled! That's way over the 80 I needed :)
Total score- 112
Reading- 29
Listening- 29
Speaking- 26
Writing- 28
Thanks a lot,
Hi Howard
just got the score
total 106
speaking 28
listening 28
reading 28
writing 22
thanks a lot for your help
thanks a lot
Hello Howard
To start with I want to thank you again for all your help during the course!
I received my TOEFL scores today, and I got much more than I expected.
The top score that I aimed at was 107 for application to London School of Economics and Politics, and I got just that - 107 on my TOEFL test.
Reading - 27
Listening - 28
Speaking - 28
Writing - 24
Thank you for your time and effort
Alex Stotland
אני רוצה להודות לך מכל הלב על כל הדרך שעשית אתי, על ההשקעה, האכפתיות, היחס החם ועל זה שקיבלת אותי ברמה של אולי 55 ולא הרפת עד שהגעתי ל 93 (הציון שאני צריכה) אני מודה לך שוב ומאחלת לכל תלמיד מורה כמוך
הי הווארד,
רציתי להודות לך על השיעורים המעולים שנתת לי, קיבלתי את הציון שהייתי צריכה והכל בזכותך!
הגעתי אליך אחרי
שעשיתי את המבחן פעמיים וכבר היית מיואשת ואתה כמובן עודדת אותי וגרמת לי להאמין שאני אצליח.
היית מאוד מקצועי, שיפרת לי את הכתיבה בצורה מדהימה, החומר שנתת לי היה מקיף ותאם את רמת הבחינה, ההסברים שלך היו מעולים, הכנת אותי בצורה טובה להתמודדות עם
לחץ של זמן והכי חשוב תמיד היית זמין לכל שאלה.
תודה על הכל!
Hello Howard,
Thank you very much for your help!
We both got over 100 Thanks to your work with us. The advices and tips from an experienced teacher do make the difference!
הווארד שלום.
קיבלתי היום את הציון של ה toefl והוא מספק מבחינתי.
הציון הכללי הוא 106
בקריאה 29
האזנה 30
דיבור 24
כתיבה 23
הדרישות של אוניברסיטת טורונטו ל fellowship קליני הן ציון כללי מינימלי של 94 וציון מינימלי של 24 בחלק של הדיבור, כך שמבחינתי הציון טוב.
תודה רבה ולהתראות,
Howard, Thank you!!!
Just got 110!!! Way more than I need!
Thanks for the lessons and the engouragment!
Nice and cool post about TOEFL Speaking Part 2 it will help the students
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Howard, you're the greatest teacher I've ever had, not only did you prepare me for the TOEFL test to get the score I needed to be accepted for my studies in the US, but also you inspired me to follow my dreams and not be afraid to trust myself.
I will always be grateful to you and remember you.
Israel 2015
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